Reviews AS Hotel dei Giovi - Cesano Maderno
4 stelle
Average Ranking
Very good
on 74 surveys
Average Rating
- Cleanliness of the Rooms
- Room Comforts and Facilities
- Quality and services of the Hotel
- Staff Assistance
- Restaurant and bar
- Connections to the City
- Surrounding Area
- Accuracy of the website description
- Value for money
- Overall satisfaction

Average Ranking
Very good
on 74 surveys
77% of customers would book AS Hotel dei Giovi again

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

Assistenza del personale sufficiente perché una persona non è stata molto gentile. Rimproverata da mia mamma, ha cambiato atteggiamento! Ristorante e bar sufficiente perché non c'è molta scelta per chi è vegano o crudista. Comfort e servizi delle camere tra buono e sufficiente perché nel nostro bagno mancavano delle mattonelle, e mi sembra che l'asse per sedersi sul wc fosse scheggiato. Di solito, invece, ci siamo trovati sempre molto bene su tutto!
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

Per un albergo a 4 stelle mi aspettavo molto di più soprattutto la pulizia non era impeccabile e la colazione con brioche e crostatine confezionate.
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

Spolverare di tanto in tanto anche l'interno dei cassetti.
Applicare ganci attaccapanni all'esterno dell'armadio,sopra il posavaligie.
Tenere piú bassa la musica di fondo nella hall, nel ristorante, nei corridoi ai piani.
Lato ingresso: le roulottes non sono certo il paesaggio piú bello.
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

Nous voulions manger le deuxième soir et nous avions réserve. Mais il y avait une communion et là la prestation etait de zéro. On a attendu jusque 9 h le soir pour finalement nous proposer la carte service chambre et nous somme parti a 9 h 30 chercher un resto en ville. Nous avions un bebe de 1 an et ça c' était une grosse déception. Merci.
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

Sarebbero da cambiare o perlomeno rimodernare le rubinetterie dei bagni.
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |
Additional Hotels Nearby:
Hotel King
Via Varese 5, Varedo (MB) - 3.5 Km -
AS Hotel Limbiate Fiera
Corso Como 52, Limbiate (MB) - 3.6 Km -
Groane Hotel Residence
Via Marconato , Cesano Maderno (MB) - 5 Km